With fewer people working in your office, are you still paying for expensive landlines? We’ve helped several clients move their phone number(s) to our Auto Attendant Virtual Receptionist service, allowing calls to seamlessly connect to mobile or home phones. We can also provide desk phones or software clients for remote use; either way, you have the potential to ...
While making plans to protect our customers and installers from the spread of the coronavirus, Skyway West is doing its utmost to prioritize providers of Essential Services. We are also helping customers temporarily increase the speed of their office internet to accommodate remote workers. These are the steps we’re taking: Establish protection protocols for installers ...
Transform your business to the modern digital workplace Digital Transformation is the use of new, fast-changing digital technology to solve problems. It often utilizes cloud computing and reduces reliance on user-owned hardware while increasing reliance on subscription-based cloud services. The modern Digital Workplace provides a new way of working for employees and new techniques to ...
Add Voice and Video to Salesforce Salesforce is an important business application that’s adopted by many organizations. Its scope has expanded to the point where it can often be your employees’ primary work environment. So why not choose a Hosted PBX for Salesforce that makes your time more productive by integrating voice and video. Skyway’s Sweet UC ...
Unified Communications Delivered from the Cloud Sweet UC is a cloud-based phone system that delivers telephone service, Video Conferencing, and Collaboration. Enterprise Unified Communication features that keep you connected, at your desk or on the go. A Hosted PBX is at the heart of Sweet UC and is the future of small business and enterprise ...
Work Anywhere with Skyway’s Hosted PBX It’s a competitive world so time is your company’s most important resource. Your employees need to be more productive, wherever they need to work. A Hosted PBX connects remote workers, no matter if they are in the office, working from home, a hotel room or a coffee shop. Sweet ...
Easy Collaboration with Sweet UC Sweet UC powered by Kandy, is a Hosted PBX service with enterprise Unified Communication features. Kandy is a Communications Platform-as-a-Service developed by Ribbon Communications and supported across Canada by Skyway West. One of the challenges of a mobile workforce is getting together to share information and make important business decisions. ...
You can add Live Support to your company’s Web Site. Businesses can provide productive and efficient customer support but at a fraction of the traditional cost. Live Support is a software application that can be added to Skyway’s Sweet UC, a Hosted PBX service. You can add interactive support capabilities to your business website with ...
Microsoft Teams is cloud-based team collaboration software that is part of the Office 365 suite of applications. The Teams app includes business messaging, video meetings and file sharing. Skyway West will also deliver dial-tone for Microsoft Teams, so users can take advantage of Teams as their corporate PBX. Skyway West has partnered with Ribbon Communications ...
Business can deliver better customer support with Truck Roll, a software application we call a Kandy Wrapper. Integrated with Skyway’s Sweet UC Hosted PBX service, Kandy Truck Roll provides a mobile based customer and field support experience that allows users to show instead of tell and accelerates issue resolution. Truck Roll also enables your customer service department ...