Office downsized? Don’t pay for expensive landlines!

With fewer people working in your office, are you still paying for expensive landlines? We’ve helped several clients move their phone number(s) to our Auto Attendant Virtual Receptionist service, allowing calls to seamlessly connect to mobile or home phones. We can also provide desk phones or software clients for remote use; either way, you have the potential to dramatically lower your phone costs.
Looking beyond the current business environment, we can modernize your phone system — and likely save you money — by delivering managed SIP phone lines for your on-premise phones, set you up on our Sweet UC hosted phone service or help you transition to the Microsoft Teams phone platform if you’re using Office 365. Understanding that different users have different phone needs, we can also combine any or all of the above to create a blended environment.
You have a number of options; we have several solutions. Please call us at 1-877-771-1077 (ext 2) or email any time to discuss your current phone setup and how we can help transition you to the future.