Skyway West Recommended May 14th to May 20th

Each Monday we’ll pass on links to articles we thought were well worth reading from the previous week, kind of a Digg-lite for those who live where we do (British Columbia, Canada), work like we do (high speed business internet), and think like we do (internet trends, internet privacy, cutting-edge technology, etc.). If you don’t want to wait ’til Monday, we usually tweet and link to these as we come across them

Atlantic Wire: GM Pulling Its 10M Ad Campaign From Facebook

General Motors is ending their $10 million ad campaign with Facebook, reports The Wall Street Journal, because the automaker determined  their ads “had little impact on consumers.” That’s very bad news for a social network plagued with advertiser issues and facing an IPO. Read More…

New York Magazine: TV Is Not TV Anymore

Years ago, before the cable boom, before the rise of social media, before broadband and Apple TV and Netflix and ­iEverything were at our fingertips, “the ­future of TV” was the subject of endless Clinton-era gold-rush-fever speculation. We were told exactly what it would look like: One day soon, we’d be able to watch Friends or ER whenever we felt like it, simply by saying to our TV—or better still, our home computer, which would control everything—“Show me the latest episode.” Maximum consumer flexibility, maximum choice, maximum convenience. Tech nirvana. That particular version of the future has been so fully realized that now we just call it “TV.” Read More…

Atlantic Wire: Steve Jobs’ Last Wishes

Without Steve Jobs here to defend himself, we’re seeing a lot of talk about the visionary’s last wishes — the final visions in that brain that the Apple founder never saw to completion. The man was a genius, so it’s no surprise he had a lot of ideas bouncing around in there. But even if he may have said some off handed things for ideas, as any creative-type knows, a lot of brainchildren are never born. Let’s take a look at how Steve Jobs’ last wishes are coming along. Read More…