Wes’ ISP Support Blog
Hi, and welcome to the first entry of my new blog. Here I’ll be looking back over the last ten years I’ve worked with Skyway West and talk about challenges I have had and how I was able to overcome them. Along the way I’ll see about slipping in a few tasty tidbits along the way that may be of interest or assistance to you.
My challenge is going to be remembering the issues – there’s ten years of memories to sift through. Thank heaven for email… Anyway, since this is my first entry I thought I would start out with a little of my own background in my education and the Internet Service Provider (ISP), industry.
I got my first taste of computing back in the days of the old Commodore 8016 and 8032 days (not quite old enough to have been cursed by punch cards). That was high school. Wow, 16 and 32 KB of ram on a green screen. Who needs anything more than that, right? I dabbled around with Commodore computers for around ten years before I got my first taste of an actual Intel PC. I was working for a non-profit agency that had IBM 8086 processors with yellow monitors – XGA. My first task was to put one together. I had never done that before but was game to try. It’s been love ever since.
Shortly thereafter I went back to college and got a degree in General studies with a major in Psychology and a minor in computers (hardware and programming languages). At this point computers were fun and a hobby. I never considered really having a job where I would use them as much as i do now. Well, to make this long story shorter, I ended up changing direction and got a job working for a small ISP in Burnaby. After two years the company was purchased by another company and I went to work for them. When the second company was bought out I decided to see what else was out there. That’s when I found Skyway West (called Soho Skyway in those days). And here is where I am today.
When I think back over the last ten years we’ve really grown, both as a team and as a company. There have been many challenges along the way which I will get to as I continue writing this blog. The best part though is the way we’ve met the challenges head on and, while not always successful in resolving a problem, we have at least learned something along the way.
So, I hope you’ll find my postings interesting. If you find you have any questions or comments you’d like to make regarding my blog I hope you’ll write in. I’ll do my best to answer you either in email, by phone or in this blog. –Wes